Polish Governmental Plane Did Not Crash As Previously Reported!
freepl.info, 02-17-2012

Photo: Solidarity 2010 - Ottawa
"On February 3, 2012 at Saint Paul University in Ottawa an expert panel presented findings from an investigation into the crash of the Polish Governmental Plane. The fatal crash of the Polish Air Force Tupolev TU-154M occurred on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk, Russia. On board were 96 prominent figures from Polish political and public elites, and NATO military.
This is an on-going investigation carried out by the Polish Parliamentary Commission led by Antoni Macierewicz, relying on international experts from USA, Poland, Russia, and other countries. The investigation is conducted independently of the two official investigations by the Russian and Polish authorities. The official Russian investigation concluded that the crash was caused by pilots’ error and a collision with a birch tree. Final report issued by the Polish authorities is a mere rubber stamp copy of the Russian report. In fact, Macierewicz investigation is checking the validity of the official reports and their conclusions.
Since the first moments after the crash, Russian authorities have been destroying and manipulating vital evidence with a blind approval from the Polish government. The plane wreckage and the original black boxes with recordings of the last minutes of the fatal flight have been withheld by Russia. Forensic autopsies have not been performed, because access to the bodies of the victims had been denied.
The investigators and experts gathered in Ottawa to present their research and findings, which discredit the official reports as false and scientifically invalid.
Professor Wieslaw Binienda, Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Akron, Ohio and expert of NASA/Federal Aviation Administration, studied if the birch tree could have broken the wing of the Tu-154 aircraft. He applied the cutting edge NASA aerospace methodology and computing programs. Scientific simulations proved that regardless of the scenario for the contact between the wing and the birch tree, and birch diameter and its density, the wing cut through the birch, without deterioration of the wing’s lifting capabilities. His research disqualifies Russian statements that the severed piece of the wing cut the tree at the altitude of 6.5 meters, traveled a distance of 111 meters from the birch through a forested area, before hitting the ground. He determined that this piece of the wing could only travel a distance of up to 12 meters.
He also proved that, in fact, the aircraft wing has never made contact with the birch tree. The wing was most probably ruptured at 69 meters past the location of the birch tree, and at an altitude of 26 meters, over 14 meters above the local trees line.
Professor Kazimierz Nowaczyk from the Center of Fluorescence Spectroscopy at the University of Maryland analyzed the Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) and the Flight Management System (FMS) logs. He proved that the aircraft did not change its course until 140 meters after passing the birch tree. This contradicts the official reports that the aircraft after loosing one third of the left wing hitting the birch tree, turned to the left, ascend, and rolled over crashing to the ground. It is physically impossible for the plane that is missing a part of a wing to ascend. It is also impossible for a plane with the wing span of 38 meters to roll over at an altitude of 6.5 meters, where the birch was cut.
Professor Nowaczyk determined that the two unusually strong shocks on the aircraft vertical acceleration happened at a distance of 69 meters past the birch tree. This coincides with the results of professor Binienda’s independent research that most probably the wing separated at the same distance.
Attorney Maria Szonert-Binienda debunked the main conclusions of the official reports. The decision to clear the Tu-154M airplane to the minimum descent altitude of 100 meters was made by Russian Colonel Krasnokutski, an unauthorized person at the Smolensk Severny Air Traffic Control Tower, as evidenced by Appendix 8 to the Polish government report (Miller’s Report). The analysis of copies of the black box recordings, conducted by the J. Sehn Institute of Forensic Research in Cracow, Poland, proves that the pilots correctly planned and executed the "Go Around" maneuver. The reading of the Cockpit Voice Recorder proves that the pilot in command did not intend to "land at any means." Finally, there is no evidence of any pressure exerted on the pilot to "land at any means" by the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Air Force and Polish President.
Antoni Macierewicz, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission, explained how the Russian government manipulated and adopted civil procedures to investigate this military flight. This legal gimmick deprives the Polish opposition from seeking recourse with the International Civil Aviation Organization. He also alluded to a difficult political situation in Poland, where scientists are afraid to openly support his investigation as they fear for their lives and their careers. There have also been suspicious deaths of experts and witnesses.
Macierewicz called for an independent international inquiry to find out the real cause of the crash, and to compel Russians to return the vital evidence. He asked the Canadian public for support, and to pressure politicians to help establish such an inquiry.
There was a lot of interest and there were many questions from the floor, public figures, and Canadian aviation experts (an investigator of air catastrophes, an ex-military pilot familiar with the Tupolev aircraft, and a VIP pilot), who offered their expertise to help this inquiry.
Solidarity 2010 - Ottawa