Take action with the PHI

PETITION: Authorities must shut down Pornhub after showing videos of 15-year-old trafficking victim Pornhub hosted horrific videos of a young victim of human trafficking, and claimed she was a "verified model." Pornhub should be investigated and shut down.

Help Poland by signing this "We the People" White House petition.
"POTUS Donald Trump: Please do not sign incoming 447 - Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017". (Created by P.P. on April 22, 2018)
Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017 includes "article three" which states: the restitution of heirless property to assist needy Holocaust survivors. "Restitution of heirless property" based on tribal-ethnic background is unprecedented in the law history and will lead to havoc in many areas. In particular this act [S.447] is aimed against Poland which gave shelter to so many Polish citizens of Jewish origin in the past. "Holocaust Organisations" claim from Poland at least sixty-five billion dollars of heirless property. [S.447] is unjust & unfair.
"POTUS Donald Trump: Please do not sign incoming 447 - Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017". (Created by P.P. on April 22, 2018)
Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017 includes "article three" which states: the restitution of heirless property to assist needy Holocaust survivors. "Restitution of heirless property" based on tribal-ethnic background is unprecedented in the law history and will lead to havoc in many areas. In particular this act [S.447] is aimed against Poland which gave shelter to so many Polish citizens of Jewish origin in the past. "Holocaust Organisations" claim from Poland at least sixty-five billion dollars of heirless property. [S.447] is unjust & unfair.
Here you can also send a personal letter to President Donald Trump.
Dear Mr. President,
Please veto Act S. 447. It openly discriminates against Polish Holocaust survivors and constitutes an unprecedented attack on Poland, a faithful ally of the USA in Europe. Act S. 447 legitimizes the illegal and immoral restitution claims against Poland. The enforcement of Act S. 447 could have a financially devastating effect on Poland. The weakening of Poland would not be in the best interest of the United States.
Dear Mr. President,
Please veto Act S. 447. It openly discriminates against Polish Holocaust survivors and constitutes an unprecedented attack on Poland, a faithful ally of the USA in Europe. Act S. 447 legitimizes the illegal and immoral restitution claims against Poland. The enforcement of Act S. 447 could have a financially devastating effect on Poland. The weakening of Poland would not be in the best interest of the United States.

Na stronie internetowej Białego Domu można podpisać petycję do prezydenta USA, aby potępił usuniecie Pomnika Katyńskiego w Jersey City. Jeśli pod petycją podpisze się
100 tys. osób, to wówczas prezydent USA Donald Trump będzie musiał zabrać głos
w sprawie. Władze Jersey City chcą stworzyć park na terenie, na którym stoi obecnie pomnik upamiętniający polskich oficerów zamordowanych przez sowietów. Burmistrz Jersey City Steven Fulop zapowiedział, że monument zostanie przeniesiony i tymczasowo przechowany
w Departamencie Prac Publicznych. Plany usunięcia pomnika wywołały sprzeciw Polonii, a także władz w Warszawie.aragraph. Kliknij tutaj, aby edytować.
Na stronie internetowej Białego Domu można podpisać petycję do prezydenta USA, aby potępił usuniecie Pomnika Katyńskiego w Jersey City. Jeśli pod petycją podpisze się
100 tys. osób, to wówczas prezydent USA Donald Trump będzie musiał zabrać głos
w sprawie. Władze Jersey City chcą stworzyć park na terenie, na którym stoi obecnie pomnik upamiętniający polskich oficerów zamordowanych przez sowietów. Burmistrz Jersey City Steven Fulop zapowiedział, że monument zostanie przeniesiony i tymczasowo przechowany
w Departamencie Prac Publicznych. Plany usunięcia pomnika wywołały sprzeciw Polonii, a także władz w Warszawie.aragraph. Kliknij tutaj, aby edytować.
Join us in petitoning the White House:
Please support the Polish Government in reforming Poland's dysfunctional judiciary system. We call on the White House to support efforts of the current Polish Government to redress serious past abuses of human rights, serious crimes, and treasonous acts of former government officials in order to ensure accountability, properly serve justice, and achieve reconciliation in Poland. Communism did NOT die in Poland in 1990 because the communists corrupted several leaders of Solidarity through power sharing, and controlled Poland until 2015, assuring full impunity for their crimes. In 2015 non-communists took power in Poland for the first time since 1944. Today the Polish people demand justice for serious crimes committed before 2015. The Polish Americans who voted for President Donald Trump demand reforms of the corrupt justice system that served anti-Polish interests in exchange for benefits and privileges. >> |
Stań w obronie życia! To ważna bitwa!
Nie możemy pozwolić na to, by za sprawą pokrętnych interpretacji, prawo do życia stało się wyrokiem śmierci dla najmłodszych dzieci i dla osób starszych! Dlatego zaapeluj do członków Komitetu Praw Człowieka ONZ, by zagłosowali przeciwko tej propozycji i zagwarantowali prawo do życia wszystkim ludziom, również tym nienarodzonym i znajdującym się u kresu swych dni. Dr Joanna Banasiuk Wiceprezes Instytutu na rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris |
![]() List do Ojca św. Franciszka w obronie Radia Maryja oraz o dr. Tadeusza Rydzyka CSsR.
Szanowni Państwo! Zachęcam do podpisania listu, do Ojca św. Franciszka w obronie Radia Maryja oraz o dr. Tadeusza Rydzyka, CSsR. - Anna Sobecka, Poseł na Sejm RP |
Fundacja Życie i Rodzina:
Lewacki tygodnik atakuje arcybiskupa archidiecezji krakowskiej. Zaprotestujmy! W najnowszym wydaniu tygodnika Newsweek Polska ukazał się artykuł Aleksandry Pawlickiej o abp. Marku Jędraszewskim. Tekst nosi znamienny tytuł „PiSkup” i stanowi paszkwil na krakowskiego metropolitę. Abp. Jędraszewski znalazł się w ogniu krytyki od początku swojej posługi w Krakowie. Zarzucano mu m.in. wierność nauczaniu Kościoła w kwestii aborcji i homoseksualizmu. Tym razem szczególnie szokuje fakt, że argumentem przeciwko biskupowi są wypowiedzi kilkunastu „anonimowych rozmówców”.
Nie bądźmy bierni! Zareagujmy! |

Join us in petitioning ARCHBISHOP BLASE J. CUPICH of Chicago
Stop the Closure of St. Adalbert Parish >>
The Parish has served the community for over 142 years and we would like to see it continue to grow and prosper for the foreseeable future. The church, considered one of the most important works of renowned architect Henry J. Schlacks has stood for 102 years. Please let the Archdiocese know that they should not close this magnificent edifice. The parish of St. Adalbert should continue its mission of taking in immigrants and any who want solace of mind and soul. Please help us rescue this priceless religious and architectural treasure from those who want to demolish it.
The petition can be signed HERE
Stop the Closure of St. Adalbert Parish >>
The Parish has served the community for over 142 years and we would like to see it continue to grow and prosper for the foreseeable future. The church, considered one of the most important works of renowned architect Henry J. Schlacks has stood for 102 years. Please let the Archdiocese know that they should not close this magnificent edifice. The parish of St. Adalbert should continue its mission of taking in immigrants and any who want solace of mind and soul. Please help us rescue this priceless religious and architectural treasure from those who want to demolish it.
The petition can be signed HERE

Ultra-liberal EU leaders attack and defame Poland's democratically elected government
On Oct. 25, 2015 the conservative Law and Justice Party won the democratic election in Poland. After being ruled by the corrupt, ultra-liberal, anti-Polish,
anti-Catholic "Civic Platform Party" for 8 years, the Christian population of Poland has finally regained the political means to reform their country according to their millennial Catholic values. The EU's neo-Marxist, ultra-liberal leaders are
panic-stricken because Poland, like Hungary, has finally elected a patriotic, conservative government which places the welfare and values of its people above the dictates of the EU's leftist politicians. Poland is a sovereign, democratic country, yet liberal EU politicians (Martin Schulz, Jean Claude Juncker, and Donald Tusk, to name just a few) are trying to force Poland's new, democratically elected government to go against the will of the people of Poland.
Join us in sending a protest letter to these EU dictators.
On Oct. 25, 2015 the conservative Law and Justice Party won the democratic election in Poland. After being ruled by the corrupt, ultra-liberal, anti-Polish,
anti-Catholic "Civic Platform Party" for 8 years, the Christian population of Poland has finally regained the political means to reform their country according to their millennial Catholic values. The EU's neo-Marxist, ultra-liberal leaders are
panic-stricken because Poland, like Hungary, has finally elected a patriotic, conservative government which places the welfare and values of its people above the dictates of the EU's leftist politicians. Poland is a sovereign, democratic country, yet liberal EU politicians (Martin Schulz, Jean Claude Juncker, and Donald Tusk, to name just a few) are trying to force Poland's new, democratically elected government to go against the will of the people of Poland.
Join us in sending a protest letter to these EU dictators.

Please help us reveal the real cause of the 2010
Smolensk plane crash? >>
Write a letter to your senators and to your representative in Washington D.C., and ask them to call on Congress to hold public hearings regarding the 2010 Polish plane crash in Smolensk, Russia which killed the president of Poland and 95 other people.
On April 10, 2010, Polish President Lech Kaczynski was killed in a plane crash together with his wife Maria, and 94 other prominent political, military, social and religious leaders, including several NATO generals and one American citizen, Mr. Wojciech Seweryn, a Chicago artist who's father was one of the 22,000 Polish officers
murdered by the Soviets in the Katyn Massacre. Today – more than five years after the tragic crash - we still do not know the truth about the fatal flight and who is responsible for it because Poland's pro-Russian government handed over the entire so-called "crash investigation" into the hands of ... the Russian government! It is imperative that the U.S. call for an independent international investigation of the Smolensk disaster because new scientific findings completely undermine the false claims published by the Russian Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK).
Smolensk plane crash? >>
Write a letter to your senators and to your representative in Washington D.C., and ask them to call on Congress to hold public hearings regarding the 2010 Polish plane crash in Smolensk, Russia which killed the president of Poland and 95 other people.
On April 10, 2010, Polish President Lech Kaczynski was killed in a plane crash together with his wife Maria, and 94 other prominent political, military, social and religious leaders, including several NATO generals and one American citizen, Mr. Wojciech Seweryn, a Chicago artist who's father was one of the 22,000 Polish officers
murdered by the Soviets in the Katyn Massacre. Today – more than five years after the tragic crash - we still do not know the truth about the fatal flight and who is responsible for it because Poland's pro-Russian government handed over the entire so-called "crash investigation" into the hands of ... the Russian government! It is imperative that the U.S. call for an independent international investigation of the Smolensk disaster because new scientific findings completely undermine the false claims published by the Russian Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK).

Protest the United Nations' new "gay stamps"
The U.N. just issued new LGBT stamps showing a homosexual "coming out of the closet," same-sex couples kissing, homosexuals with a young child, a butterfly apparently representing transsexuals, and a multitude of various gender representations proclaiming "we are everywhere." The U.N.'s unilateral decision to promote LGBT "sexual rights" offends the sensibilities of the majority of nations and contradicts many member states' cultures, traditions, religious beliefs, and laws.
Tell the U.N. to stop pushing their sexual agenda on the world! Sign the petition HERE.
The U.N. just issued new LGBT stamps showing a homosexual "coming out of the closet," same-sex couples kissing, homosexuals with a young child, a butterfly apparently representing transsexuals, and a multitude of various gender representations proclaiming "we are everywhere." The U.N.'s unilateral decision to promote LGBT "sexual rights" offends the sensibilities of the majority of nations and contradicts many member states' cultures, traditions, religious beliefs, and laws.
Tell the U.N. to stop pushing their sexual agenda on the world! Sign the petition HERE.

Polish Senior Attacked on CTA Bus
Help Police Find These Two Black Thugs
Call police (311) if you can locate these men.
Help Police Find These Two Black Thugs
Call police (311) if you can locate these men.