April 10, 2010 - The Smolensk Crash
Was Poland's President Assassinated?
Was Poland's President Assassinated?
In the News
New Polish gov't reopens questions about 2010 plane crash >>
By VANESSA GERA -- Associated Press, Nov. 25, 2015 Study challenges Russian investigation
of Smolensk plane crash >> -- Homeland Security News Wire, May 1, 2012 Prof. Binienda of Akron University interviewed on Daily Planet regarding the 2010 Smolensk disaster
FINDINGS OF THE MACIEREWICZ COMMISSION By Pawel P. Styrna, M.A., May 23, 2013 >> Paweł Styrna delivers lecture
on Smolensk Plane Crash >> -- The Institute of World Politics, Jan. 30, 2012 Univ. of Akron engineering professor raises doubts about jet crash that killed Poland's president >>
-- The Plain Dealer, April 29, 2012 Polish MP Antoni Macierewicz presents
the Smolensk Report The 2013 Scientific Smolensk Conference will take place in Warsaw
Oct. 21, 2013 – Oct. 22, 2013 www.smolenskcrash.com/index.php/Main/2013 The Honorable Antoni Macierewicz, one of Poland’s most renowned members of Parliament, visits Warnell at the University of Georgia
-- Warnell.UGA.edu/news, June 7, 2013 Explosive evidence at crash site
-- CharlestonMercury.com, November 14, 2012 Polish presidential plane wreckage
contains 'high-energy materials' -- The Guardian.co.uk, Oct. 30, 2012 Explosive Update: The Smolensk Crash
-- DianaWest.net, September 27, 2012 Smolensk Pattern Threatens International Aviation
By MARIA SZONERT BINIENDA, ESQ. Key witness in President Lech Kaczynski’s plane crash found hanged
Former CIA officer and IWP Professor speaks out about the 2010 Polish plane crash in Smolensk, Russia.
* Former CIA Officer Interviewed on Suspicious Smolensk Plane Crash The Independent Polish Gazette, July 31, 2012 >> * Polish Air Crash: Crime Without Punishment? CharlestonMercury.com, July 24, 2012 >> * Tragic Polish Flight Was No Accident CharlestonMercury.com, June 15, 2010 >> Scientists Speak Out About
the Smolensk "Crash" Minutes from the Public Hearing held in the European Parliament on March 28, 2012 >>
Photos and other info >> Dr. Nowaczyk discusses
“The Smolensk Plane Crash: Four Years Later” >> -- The Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC Scientific Analysis of the Presidential Plane Crash in Smolensk, Russia, on April 10, 2010Prof. Wieslaw K. Binienda, Ph.D., F.ASCE.
Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Akron, Ohio. >> Some Mechanical and Structural Aspects
President Obama met with the Smolensk Families
but he didn't help them uncover what really happened?
Katyn 2
Russia still refuses to return the black boxes and plane wreckage to Poland
nine years after the crash in Smolensk!
nine years after the crash in Smolensk!