Andrea Mitchell, you need to be fired immediately
-- Open Microphone, Chicago
-- Open Microphone, Chicago
Ok, Andrea Mitchell, you need to be fired immediately. The hate and disinformation against Poland, smuggled within your correspondence from Warsaw forever disqualifies you as a journalist, pundit, commentator. It disqualifies you as a good, honest human being. Your lies have transported you to the dark side. You no longer should have a place in the media, in public discourse. Be gone! For those who might be startled by my words (seek a safe space immediately) – let me explain: this disingenuous, hate-filled woman states, about 5:08 into the piece, that the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was “against the POLISH and Nazi regime. Polish AND Nazi! Woman, Poland was the first country attacked by the Germans (not nationless Nazis). Poland suffered the greatest losses, in civilian human life and property, of all the countries invaded by Germany. No other country comes close. Poles of all denominations were slaughtered (over six million souls!), the heroic Polish Underground, whose members were mercilessly hunted, tortured and killed by the Germans provided help and assistance to their Jewish brothers and sisters - which in retrospect seems humanly undoable, yet they did it. They shared their meager supplies of food and medicine, reached into an even more meager cache of weapons, often homemade pistols and, at the risk of death, furnished what they could spare to support the Ghetto Uprising (the Polish Underground was waging a continuous guerrilla war on the German occupiers from day one of the invasion September 1, 1939). They smuggled countless Jews from the Ghetto and sheltered them, again at the risk of death to themselves, their families, their neighbors. The Underground, the Home Army, launched the Warsaw Uprising against the barbaric occupiers while the Allies sat on their hands, sipping tea. Despite all odds, the Home Army and brave Poles fought for 63 days equipped with pistols and grenades, (and weapons taken off the enemy) against German tanks, war planes and machine guns. Germans, furious at the defiant and unwavering spirit of the Poles responded by leveling their historic capital city, Warsaw, butchering men, women and children. Poles never relented, never cooperated, NEVER collaborated with the Germans. Polish soldiers fought on all WWII fronts alongside the Allies, fighting the Germans in the skies over England, supporting the French and liberating Monte Casino; they took part in all Allied campaigns – in North Africa, the Mediterranean and Middle East. For their courage, service and blood they were “rewarded” by having their Homeland handed over by the Allies to Stalin’s Iron Curtain. The ever escalating, revisionist narration that Poles were in any way complicit in German atrocities is an afront not only to Poles and Poland but to all of humanity and historical events and facts. The polonophobic propaganda is permeating pop culture – movies, tv – as well as “serious” media outlets. Wednesday’s sinister implication by Andrea Mitchell is the latest, disturbing example. Just imagine if Ms. Mitchell attempted such an offensive maneuver with a different ethnic group. The sound of the door shutting on her stellar career would be deafening.
Lucja Sliwa
Broadcast Journalist, Chicago
Lucja Sliwa
Broadcast Journalist, Chicago